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Larnaka Medieval Castle

Larnaka Medieval Castle

Few Words

On the Southern point of the coastal avenue of Larnaka, the Palm tree promenade (Phinikoudes) beach front, stands the Medieval Castle of Larnaka (also known as Larnaka Fort). It was initially built by Lusignan King James during the 14th Century to protect the harbour and the town from the Turks. Other accounts state that the Castle was rebuilt by the Turks during 1625 on the ruins of the original construction. In its present state of conservation the Castle consists of various individual buildings which were all constructed at different times and chronological periods. Today the Castle houses a small museum which exhibits antiquities from Early Christine, Byzantine and Post Byzantine eras, photographs of Byzantine Wall-paintings, representative examples of medieval pottery, cooking utensils, guns, helmets and swords. Just opposite the Castle, stands the Kebir (Buyuk) Tzami Mosque, perhaps the first Ottoman mosque in Cyprus.


Contact Number: +357 24304576

Entrance: €2,50

Opening Hours

September – April
Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 17:00
Saturday & Sunday: 09:30 – 17:00

April – September
Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 19:30
Saturday and Sunday: 09:30 – 19:30