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Larnaka Salt Lake & Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque

Larnaka Salt Lake & Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque

Few Words

Larnaka Salt Lake is a complex network of four salt lakes of different sizes to the west of Larnaka, 3 of which are interconnected. These form the second largest Salt Lake in Cyprus after the Limassol Salt Lake. The total surface area of the Salt Lakes add up to 2.2 km². Being situated just off the road leading to Larnaka International Airport it is one of the most distinctive landmarks of Larnaka. It is considered one of the most important wetlands of Cyprus and it has been declared a Natura 2000 site, a specially protected area under the Barcelona Convention and an important migratory Bird area. During the winter the lake fills with water and is home for migrating birds, including thousands of flamingos, wild ducks, water and shore fowls, that remain there between the winter months of November and March. On its bank lies the Hala Sultan Tekke, the 3rd most famous holy shrine within the Islamic world. According to the Islamic religion it houses the tomb of Umm Haram, a close relative of Prophet Muhammad, who died during an Arab siege of Larnaka between 647 AD and 649 AD and was buried there. The mosque complex was built in stages around the tomb during the Ottoman administration of Cyprus in the 18th century.
