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Spring Loves Cyprus in Cyprus

Spring Loves Cyprus



Few words

Cyprus may be best know for its long hot summers and its dry climate, but the countryside bursts into life in spring, when sporadic February rains and fresh March sun carpet the fields with brilliant wildflowers: yellow wood sorrel, purple wil rosemary, white wild garlic and red poppy anemone, vreating a dazzling display that transforms the landscape
Spring in Cyprus
Spring in Cyprus


After the countryside has been drenched with much needed water, the magic begins. By mid February the first almond trees blossom resisting the cold or the rain and decorating an almost arid land with their gorgeous pink and white flowers

Troodos Mountains in Cyprus
Troodos Mountains  in Cyprus

Article Photos by: Palaeoman

Troodos Mountains

Spring is also when snowmelt causes the many tributary streams in the Troodos Mountains to fill briefly with cool, fresh water.